Onboarding Study

Researchers: Saulthorin, Mr. Nobody, Pancho and Lia Godoy


As DAOs become more popular and attract new people to contribute to their missions, a set of challenges must be addressed in order for DAOs to scale. One of the main issues is the onboarding process for new members, as it is common for people trying to contribute -or even sneak peeking to get a sense of what a DAO does- to feel overwhelmed by the amount of disperse information they find. This creates a barrier for new members to discover their place inside DAOs because they cannot find projects where they can add value or they may feel scared that they don’t have the necessary skills to contribute.

Different DAOs try to solve this in many ways and we can find articles and twitter threads explaining some of the leaders experiences about best practices for onboarding new contributors. Although this is good, there is no systematic review about onboarding processes in DAOs to identify best practices or what tools and strategies may benefit different DAOs.

We see this as an opportunity to conduct a multi-phase study to survey the DAO onboarding landscape, so we can (1) offer a repository of onboarding strategies, (2) identify best practices and (3) understand different users motivations and actions inside DAOs (user personas). The main goal is to offer to the broader DAO community valuable resources for addressing their particular needs when it comes to onboard new members.

Goals and Key-Outcomes
