
Leo is a discord bot built on top of OpenAI’s GPT series. It is designed with the intention of giving DAOs an edge in their operations.

Core Features

Leo has 3 main features [discord commands]:


Leo currently uses OpenAI’s GPT series for base models. To date, there has not been any further fine-tuning applied to leo. There are several reason for this:

  1. Fine-tuning is not available for GPT-3.5/4 models
  2. Fine-tuning is not needed to get the performance needed for leo’s current features
  3. For the vast majority of use cases where we would want information not trained into the base model to be present in the model, we can use document embeddings, which is a much cheaper and efficient way of doing this (/ask uses embeddings and is not fine-tuned).

That said, there may be good reasons to fine-tune leo in the future such as:

More on this is discussed in the future plans section.


I view Leo as an early attempt at creating digital assistants for organizations. State of the art AI models now make this possible, along with a growing list of potential use cases as we discover all of the new things we can do. For example, can we design a bot that can assist us in conducting research? Could we design a bot that can assist us in managing the DAO?