
In this phase of the DAO Health Assessment Development, we will validate our instrument for content validity. Since criterion validity can be examined through analysis of outcomes relative to measured constructs, analysis of criterion validity will be included in phase 3.

What is content validity?

The degree to which a measure is representative of all aspects of a construct.

Since we aim to measure DAO health, we should ensure that we are effectively measuring all aspects of DAO health. Note that we are focusing on the psychometric side of DAO health in this study. We acknowledge that a complete picture of DAO health includes aspects of communication and on-chain activity.

Study design:

To assess whether our instrument captures the full content of DAO health, we can leverage the expertise of leaders in the field to crowdsource feedback on whether:

To do this, we will need to design a survey that provides an operational definition for each construct and asks respondents the following:

Project Objectives:

Examining construct definitions in the literature

Conduct power analysis